Friday, 18 January 2013

Is there God? 4a) Science] God wisdom is ahead of science

Science proving God's truth

In terms of science, if God the creator exists, He must be the one who understand his creation the most. Especially, when talking about Christian God, God is described as all eternal (Deuteronomy 33:27), self-existent creator (genesis 1:1), sovereign (psalm 50:10-12, Isaiah 46:9-11), all knowing (psalm 139, Isaiah 40:13-14), and is true and even the truth itself (psalm 31:5, John 17:6, Titus 1:1-2). On one side, these claims speak strongly about God’s authority. But, on the other side, these claims, require that there should be no single thing that is mentioned in the Bible that should contradict with the truth including the scientific truth. 

I need to remind you that the Bible is neither a science book nor a history book. The Bible is written with the focus of God message to us explaining His work with Jesus Christ at the centre. And so, the Bible will neither cover all science nor will it use scientific terminology. However, since the Bible is the Word of God, it should be true and not bear neither lies or false information. 

As I write the previous statement, some readers might ask in their mind “What about the issue of heliocentric versus geocentric? What about evolution? shouldn't we mix science with religion?” I will surely cover these in the discussion as well.  

Before going there though, as a proof that the Bible, being the revelation of God is not contradicting with science, I will point out a couple of things that the scriptures have mentioned hundreds and thousands years ago about this world. These things that I am about to mention are the things that transcended human understanding of the time and I would have difficulty to explain it in any other way except that it is revealed by the true and creator God. 

For example, prophet Isaiah (8th Century BC) already mentioned that the earth is round (Isaiah 40:22). Please note that this was not the common believe at that time. In the past, many believe that believed the earth was flat and surrounded by water. The Greek philosopher Pythagoras was credited to recognize that the earth is spherical in the 6th century BC. In terms of evidence, it was later in around 330 BC that Aristotle maintained the basis of physical theory and observational evidence that the Earth was spherical. Where does Isaiah get this knowledge if not from God, the creator? 

Another example of Biblical scientific truth is that Prophet Job (around 22nd Century BC?) already mentioned that the earth is hung in vacuum / emptiness (space). In this statement Job had to believe that the earth is not flat, he also had to believe the vastness of the universe and that the earth is placed in space. It almost sounds like Job had seen the earth from outer space more than 4000 years ago. 

The Ecclesiastes book, which is most likely written by King Solomon (10th century BC), already mentioned about the Atmospheric circulation (Ecclesiastes 1:6). Interestingly, the current theory of Atmospheric circulation that we have on our text book, are the products of some discoveries that happened between 18th Century and 20th Century. You may want to check the work of George Hadley in 18th century, William Ferrel in 19th century, Carl-Gustav Rossby 20th century and Sir Gilbert Walker 20th century. 

And these are only some examples of knowledge that is revealed in the bible ahead of modern science. Now, I don’t think that these are coincidence or lucky guesses because these people are writing with all seriousness and authority. You won’t imagine that Julius Caesar in one of his authoritative speech will insert a guessing statement like “man will soon go to the moon” will you? He won’t do that because in 44 BC, people will not believe that. Yet, these prophets in the Bible dare to speak these non-commonly accepted views of the world with authority. Where did the confidence come from? I would really like to think of another reason. However, I rationally have to concede that there is high probably of truth that the only reason is because this knowledge did not come from themselves but from a trustworthy source, which is God, the creator of this world.

When I was young, I had once doubt the authority of the Bible and recently I have been considering all the new updates surrounding science. During both times, the doubt triggers me to do some research here and there. What I still find very astonishing is that the Bible never contradicts with scientific truth. And for me, this is quite amazing, given that the Scriptures in the Bible were written thousands of years ago. Not only that the Bible have told the truth about the universe, there are even a couple of things mentioned in the Bible that transcend the science knowledge of the time. In fact, scientific findings that have been properly proven by solid evidence have only confirmed what the Bible had previously said

to be continued to part 4b

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